Dr Louise Delaigue

Postdoctoral Researcher


Below are datasets I contributed to by participating in scientific cruises, performing laboratory analyses, processing data, and making the results publicly available on GitHub.

 South Pacific GEOTRACES cruise (2022)

Carbonate chemistry data processing for Cruise No. SO289, Valparaiso (Chile) – Noumea (New Caledonia), GEOTRACES GP21022) - GEOTRACES GP21. 18 February 2022 – 08 April 2022. 

CTD seawater dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity for R/V Sonne cruise SO289.

Louise Delaigue, Yasmina Ourradi, Sharyn Ossebar, Paul Battermann, Christopher Galley, Matthew P. Humphreys

NIOZ, 2023

Discrete underway surface seawater dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity for R/V Sonne cruise SO289.

Louise Delaigue, Yasmina Ourradi, Karel Bakker, Paul Battermann, Christopher Galley, Matthew P Humphreys

NIOZ, 2023

SO289 Alkalinity Enhancement Experiment on R/V Sonne.

Louise Delaigue, Haoran Liu, Thomas Browning, Matthew Humphreys

NIOZ, 2023

Underway surface seawater high-resolution pH time series for R/V Sonne cruise SO289.

Louise Delaigue, Yasmina Ourradi, Karel Bakker, Paul Battermann, Christopher Galley, Matthew P Humphreys

NIOZ, 2023


North Atlantic NAPTRAM cruise (2020)

 Carbonate chemistry data processing for Cruise No. SO279, Azores Region. December 2020. 

Miscellaneous processing

Seawater hydrography and biogeochemistry data from Luymes Bank Sinkhole Expedition 64PE20191205

Matthew Humphreys, Karel Bakker, Louise Delaigue, Sharyn Ossebaar

NIOZ, 2021